School Project activities in full swing across Slovenia
After more than 500 children competed in an annual Mini Volleyball championship organised in early January in Šempeter (click here for further info), another U11 CEV School Volleyball tournament will be taking place this coming February 19 in Bled with participation of 50 teams from all over Slovenia. Moreover, in April Šempeter v Savinjski dolini will host an event open to the U13 category, with more than 70 teams expected to attend.
After the break due to the Christmas holidays, clubs and schools have returned to their routine. Therefore, CEV School Project activities in schools and clubs are running in full swing in Slovenia.
Meanwhile, the CEV School Project Teachers Handbook is ready for use. After translating it from English, it was/will be distributed to Slovenian PE teachers via the Facebook group ‘Športni pedagogi’, which counts on some 2,513 members, and PE teachers for kids with special needs through Mr Domen Frankovič. The Handbook was sent to Mr Bojan Jurovič from the Development Department of the National Olympic Committee of Slovenia and to Mr Damjan Marinko from the Slovenian Coaches Society as well. It was distributed to more than 250 Slovenian coaches and published on the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia’s official website.
On top of this, the date for one of three planned CEV School Volleyball festivals is confirmed. The event will take place on July 8 in Novo mesto. The Slovenian national snow volleyball championship will be held on March 19 at Krvavec Ski Resort and kids activities are planned as a part of this event too.