Moving with the times

Time for Change

The re-brand started in late 2018 at the launch event for the new EuroVolley brand held in Budapest on November 1.  Next came the Snow Volleyball arm of the brand, which was implemented across the 2019 European Tour.  Beach Volleyball then followed suit as we promote this year’s EuroBeachVolley, then the iconic green for the Champions League was announced to be used for the first time during the historic Super Finals.

On this page you can find more information about the story behind the brand, some promotional materials used during the various launch phases, as well as the key components and guidelines.

Download: CEV Brand Guidelines
Proudly sharing our new visual identity


Over the coming weeks we will be working with all partners and stakeholders to move across to our new brand.

Before implementing the brand, CEV asks that you read and follow the provided Brand Guidelines, contacting should you have any queries or feedback.

Download: CEV Brand Pack

Main Components

All logos presented above are in RGB and for use on screens only.  More formats in terms of text and graphic colour in RGB, Pantone, CMYK and Monotone can be found here: 

National Federations

The flags of which inspired our new brand. Keylining each of their national flags from which shapes, angles and patterns were extracted to produce our new logo.


Our logo is a bold, modern symbol of courage, leadership, ambition, integrity, completeness and strong collaboration. The modern approach means the symbol can adapt, bringing flexibility to the brand.

"Alphabet are a brand and design agency who have done a lot of work in the millennial market. They have brought some new ideas and helped us renovate our image. The reactions to what we have already released have been very positive and I am confident everyone will continue to be impressed as we continue the roll out moving forwards. It is something very different, but it is adaptable and will make Volleyball stand out in the modern global, extremely competitive sporting landscape."

Aleksandar Borič
CEV President

The diagram below shows the complete Hierarchy of CEV brands, events and competitions. Brands, events and competitions are divided into the following sections:

  1. Indoor Volleyball National Team Competitions

  2. Indoor Volleyball Club Competitions

  3. Beach Volleyball

  4. Snow Volleyball

  5. Other Events

"A lot has changed recently and digital and social platforms are driving this change. Trends are changing and sports have to adapt, needing to evolve or be left behind. A brand is a lot more than just a logo and working with CEV we felt it was time to move things forward. Pushing ourselves to be more progressive. It is bold and brave; and is about engaging new people and growing the Volleyball community."

Mike Robinson
Alphabet - Strategy Director