When a player moves from one country to another and wishes to play Volleyball they are required to have an International Transfer Certificate (ITC).  This area will help those looking to go through this procedure.

The electronic International Transfer Procedure was introduced by the FIVB in 2010 in order to make the ITC procedure more efficient and transparent for all parties – Federations, Clubs and Players.

Following this implementation, the CEV in close collaboration with the FIVB has introduced further improvements with regard to administrative and transfer fees to be paid in order to facilitate payment for the European National Federations.

The administrative fee for transfers between two National Federations affiliated to the CEV must be paid in EUR (Euros) to the CEV Bank account (details below):

Please note the money has to be in the CEV Bank account before the transfer can be authorised.  Please note that the ITC number must be stated on the bank payment.

Beneficiary:  Conféderation Européenne de Volleyball – 488 route de Longwy – L-1940 Luxembourg

EUR Bank Account:  BGL BNP Paribas Luxembourg

                              IBAN: LU 6000 3044 2729 8050 00  

                              Swift: BGLLLULL

The administrative fee for transfers between National Federations of other Confederations and the CEV the fee must be paid in CHF (Swiss Francs) to the FIVB Bank account (details below):

Beneficiary:  Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) – Chemin Edouard-Sandoz 2-4 – CH-1006 Lausanne

CHF Bank account:  Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

                             Case Postale 300

                             CH-1001 LAUSANNE / Switzerland

                             Account: K 5380.20.63 (Clearing: 767)

                             IBAN: CH05 0076 7000 K538 0206 3

                             BIC Code (Swift Address): BCVLCH2LXXX

For your convenience, the CEV has developed two calculators for transfers between European National Federations, one for administrative fees and one for transfer fees.

In case of questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our Transfers Coordinator, Mr Apostolos Gogakos, at transfers@cev.eu


FIVB Volleyball Information System

The aim of VIS is to provide all necessary tools to make your daily Volleyball operations easier.  Everything from Volleyball to Beach Volleyball, calendars to transfers, press releases to website updates can be used and performed in this global application, created by the FIVB.

Click here

Useful Info

Click here to retrieve the latest version of the FIVB Electronic International Transfer Procedure Manual.

Click here for the FIVB FAQs on the International Transfer of Players. 

Click here to retrieve the list of teams participating in the CEV European Cups 2025. 


  • FIVB Sport Regulations
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  • Categories Table
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  • FIVB Scale of Administration Fee
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  • VIS – Important information 2024 - 2025
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  • Players Agents List
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