Volleyball, Beach Volleyball and Snow Volleyball matches are officiated by a team of Referees, supported by line-judges and scorers.

Vladimir Simonovic in action

"Volleyball is my dream, a moment of enjoying the greatest Volleyball performances. As a volleyball referee, I am only a part of the European and World spectacles, in which I find complete pleasure and full satisfaction. Being a referee is for me an invaluably strong emotion of the sports spirit, and a mover of my sport joys!"

Vladimir Simonovic
International Volleyball Referee


What is the role of a Referee?

In Volleyball, Beach Volleyball and Snow Volleyball, a Referee is an official responsible for the smooth running of the match, and make sure that official rules of the game are applied and respected. But refereeing is not only conducting a match by using the Rules of the Game. Great competence is required. He/she must be an expert, working for the game and with the players.

They must remain in the background of the match, have an exemplary behavior, and maintain an excellent relationship with the players, coaches, etc.

How do you become an International Referee?

Once a Referee reaches the top level of the refereeing in their own country, Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Referees can think about starting an international career. In order to do so, they will have to be promoted by their National Federation, and follow a Course for International Referee Candidates.

Then, they will have to officiate for a certain period of time as a “Referee Candidate”. After officiating several matches under the supervision of a Referee Delegate, they will become an International Referee, ready to officiate in CEV Competitions.

What is the difference between the “1st Referee” and the “2nd Referee”?

Even though both 1st Referee and 2nd Referee are officiating together in order to ensure the respect of the Rules of the Game, they have different responsibilities clearly defined in the Official Rules of the Game.

The 1st Referee carries out his/her functions standing on a referee's stand located at one end of the net on the opposite side to the scorer. His/her view must be approximately 50 cm above the net. The 2nd Referee performs his/her functions standing outside the playing court near the post, on the opposite side of the net and facing the 1st Referee.

What is a “Challenge Referee”?

When a Challenge System is used in Volleyball and Beach Volleyball, teams are entitled to request “Challenges” during play each time they believe that a fault has occurred and is not called by the Referees, or at the end of the rally when they would like to request for a review of the Referees’ decision concerning the last action of the rally.

Teams will have the right to request another “Challenge” if their request is successful, with a limit of a maximum of two unsuccessful Challenges per set.

In some cases there is an additional Referee, appointed as the “Challenge Referee”, and responsible for reviewing the challenged actions and communicate with the 1st Referee, who is responsible for taking the final decision. Where this position does not exist it is the 2nd Referee who reviews the Challenged footage.

Nina Hobi at recent Beach and Snow events

"I love to be a Referee because you get the best seat in stage, you meet amazing people and you learn rewarding life lessons about the power of passion, respect and friendship. Both, standing in an empty stadium during court preparation and the feeling when it is fully packed during the final matches, gives me goose bumps. I am happy to make a small contribution to these amazing sports."

Nina Hobi
International Beach/Snow Volleyball Referee