CEV President
Roko Sikirić of Croatia will be at the helm of the European Volleyball family for four years (2024-2028) after receiving 36 votes from the delegates attending the XLV CEV General Assembly held in Naples, Italy, on August 24, 2024.
Roko Sikirić“It is a great responsibility to lead the CEV and I feel it towards all stakeholders, National Federations, clubs, players – I sincerely thank you for your support and promise I will give my best as I did throughout this campaign."
CEV President
The newly elected CEV President has been involved in Volleyball for over 30 years as a former professional player, as Sports Director at the club Berlin Recycling Volleys, and most recently as the CEV Head of Volleyball & Events, which accounts for almost 10 years in leadership positions.
In this capacity, he successfully managed many challenges, especially those brought about by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent far-reaching and unprecedented consequences.
E-mail: president@cev.eu
The CEV President
The President is initially elected directly by the General Assembly among candidates standing for the Board of Administration, provided that such candidates have been formally nominated for the Presidency by their respective National Federation. Election is done by a secret ballot vote with an absolute majority required in the first round (and simple majority in further rounds). To stand for a second term as President, the candidature can also be presented by at least 5 National Federations, not necessarily connected to the candidate.
The CEV President shall be elected for a term of 4 years and may serve a total of 3 terms, whether consecutive or not.
Once elected, the President shall become a member and chair of the Board of Administration.
Matters within the President's power include:
Representing CEV
Governance of the CEV Bodies and CEV Office
Ensuring a fruitful interaction and collaboration with FIVB, all other Continental Confederations and National Federations
Ensuring the well-being of CEV and European Volleyball through constant contact with all CEV institutional organs, National Federations and other international sports organisations
Report to the Executive Committee and Board of Administration

Past CEV Presidents:
2015-2024 Aleksandar Boričić (SRB)
2001-2015 André Meyer (LUX)
1995-2001 Rolf Andresen (GER)
1993-1995 Michalis Mastrandreas (GRE)
1987-1993 Piet de Bruin (NED)
1983-1987 Dusan Prielozny (TCH)
1979-1983 Georges Boudry (FRA)
1978-1979 Vahit Colakoglu (TUR) – interim
1973-1978 Giancarlo Giannozzi (ITA)