
Slovenian Federation joins ‘Choose Your Energy’ campaign


Article Wed, Jul 3 2024

The Volleyball Federation of Slovenia (OZS) and the National Institute of Public Health have agreed to collaborate on a campaign run under the slogan ‘Choose Your Energy’ within the framework of the CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball - Grow with it’. The two organisations will jointly raise awareness among children and adolescents about the dangers associated with the consumption of energy drinks.

The campaign ‘Choose Your Energy – for Good Energy without Energy Drinks’ is run under the auspices of the National Institute of Public Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Section for Primary Paediatrics, the Section for School, Student and Adolescent Medicine, the Faculty of Sport, the National Institute of Nutrition, the Olympic Committee of Slovenia – Association of Sports Federations, SLOADO – Slovenian Anti-Doping Organisation, and the Slovenian Consumers’ Association.

Since 2018, numerous events and activities have been taking place as part of the CEV School Project, which the Federation will also utilise to promote and spread the core message of the ‘Choose Your Energy’ campaign.

In Celje, Ljubljana, Novo mesto, and Žužemberk, beach volleyball festivals for children up to 14 years of age have already been held. At these events, both children and parents received information on how energy drinks are linked to various health issues and dangerous habits among children and adolescents.

The Volleyball Federation of Slovenia also presented the ‘Choose Your Energy’ campaign at the Summer National Team Camp held at the end of June in Kozje, where more than 60 boys and girls born in 2009 and 2010 received educational materials emphasising the importance of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep or rest.

The Federation feels that this type of actions is crucial in promoting the health and well-being of young people. The OZS aims to reach as many children and youngsters as possible, ensuring they understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the risks associated with the consumption of energy drinks. By spreading this important message, the Federation hopes to make a lasting positive impact on the lives of Slovenia’s youth.
