
Ferenc Kersch to lead Hungarian Volleyball family


Article Fri, Oct 14 2022

Following the General Assembly held earlier this week in Budapest, the Hungarian Volleyball Federation has a new President in Mr Ferenc Kersch.

Ferenc Kersch is the newly-elected President of the Hungarian Volleyball Federation

Mr Kersch follows in the footsteps of Dr Ferenc Kovacs, who stepped down from the position earlier this year. The newly elected President received an absolute majority of the votes (49 in favour, with only one abstention) cast by the delegates in attendance and he will be leading the Hungarian Volleyball family for the next term.

Hungary has experienced a major development in the sport over the last few years, hosting a number of major events as well, such as European League Finals and especially CEV EuroVolley Women matches back in 2019.

Mr Kersch portrayed together with members of the Hungarian Volleyball Federation's Board of Administration
