Darius Cerka to lead Lithuanian Volleyball family for another four-year term
The Lithuanian Volleyball Federation (LFT) held this past Saturday elections for the Presidency as well as for their Board of Administration, with the term covering the next four years. Darius Cerka will remain at the helm of Lithuania’s Volleyball family for another four years – thus continuing the work he started since assuming this position for the first time in 2016. LTF President Cerka received unanimous support from all members casting their votes at the meeting.

“I have decided to continue my work for another term for several reasons. During my first four years, we have assessed the situation in terms of Volleyball development and have done so in close cooperation with the national authorities and looking at their strategy to develop sports activities in Lithuania. We have analysed the situation and developed our federation’s strategy in accordance with the trends and the inputs we have received both domestically and from our international partners as well. During this period, I have identified the issues we have to deal with, and we have managed to change some things whilst others have remained unchanged. I have come to rethink on how we can overcome the obstacles, which impede the full development of Volleyball in our country. Therefore, we need more time to change. Together with the team and our community members, we will reconsider our Volleyball strategy, initiate some changes needed for Volleyball to grow and reach a high performance level. I am thankful and grateful to the members of our community, who once again showed their trust in me and entrusted our team to continue our work for another term,” Cerka said upon his re-election.
Among other things, Cerka is a member of the CEV Snow Volleyball Working Group.

Marius Vasiliauskas will continue his work as LTF Vice-President in charge of Beach Volleyball, while the former Secretary General of the Federation, Mr Andrius Gaidys will serve as Vice-President responsible for Volleyball. Sergey Rodin, Tadas Jansonas and Edgaras Suchanekas will be leading the Refereeing, Youth and Coaching Commissions, respectively.
“We have formed a new Board of Administration, which includes members coming from other sports, who, I believe, will bring more expertise, good practice and knowledge to our sport and lead to a beautiful symbiosis,” Cerka commented.
The first session of the Board of Administration took place right after the elections, with Ms Alisa Cesnuleviciute appointed as Secretary General of the Lithuanian Volleyball Federation.