Volleyball to feature prominently in schools across Malta
The Malta Volleyball Association (MVA) held throughout the month of October a series of meetings with Physical Education Heads of Department and Physical Education Teachers in different schools across the country. These meetings help to keep contact with the staff directly in touch with students in various schools.

A very important and fruitful meeting was held with Mr Marvin Spiteri, Education Officer for Physical Education (Primary Schools). Various aspects of the CEV School Project were discussed in detail as objectives were highlighted and practical decisions were taken. The Malta Volleyball Association will be working with both students and teaching staff in their development sessions and will be assisting teachers during practical sessions with their students.
The CEV School Project will be implemented in the National Pilot Project, which is being run in St Benedict College. This College, one of the nine around the archipelago, is formed of six Primary state schools, a Middle school, and a Secondary school.

These schools will benefit from this project as students will be involved in daily physical activity, with a minimum of four sessions per week run by PE teachers and Class teachers alike. The students will be introduced to Volleyball at different levels for different age groups.
Moreover, plans are designed to have a volleyball festival at the end of the programme for the schools involved in the project.
One of the aims is to urge students to choose Volleyball as their sport for the Sport Career Development Programme at Year 7 – one of their main subjects in the secondary school.
It was also decided to hold informative sessions for Physical Education teachers in other Primary schools during the month of December.