
Slovenia to deliver record-breaking number of beach volleyball festivals


Article Tue, Jun 4 2024

The Volleyball Federation of Slovenia (OZS), in cooperation with five volleyball clubs, is organising beach volleyball festivals for children up to the age of 14 as part of the VBO Premium Toothbrush CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball – Grow with it’. These five festivals will take place in just as many cities, namely Celje, Ljubljana, Novo mesto, Žužemberk, and Višnja Gora.

The OZS has been organising beach volleyball festivals, events, and other promotional actions for almost a decade. The feedback received this far has always been positive, as these activities not only provide a platform for young beach volleyball players to develop their skills but also serve as an additional promotional tool for Beach Volleyball across Slovenia.

Previously, the maximum number of beach volleyball festivals during the summer stood at three. However, this year the federation and clubs have expanded their efforts to host a record number of five festivals, thereby providing even more opportunities for young athletes to engage with the sport. 

These events offer children the opportunity to become more familiar with Beach Volleyball, learn new skills, and test their level of knowledge and competitiveness through the participation in mini tournaments. Additionally, kids always have fun, make new friends, and can enjoy spending their weekends outdoors. Moreover, experienced coaches will provide guidance and support, ensuring that all children will be making the most of their experience.

The first event will take place on June 9 in Celje, organised by Cestnik Volley and ŠD Savinja 2000. The beach volleyball caravan will then move to Ljubljana, Novo mesto, and Žužemberk, with the final event being held in Višnja Gora on July 13. Each location will offer a slightly different and yet unique atmosphere.
