Scottish Volleyball draw ambitious plans for next ‘wave’ of School Project activities
November was a quiet month for the CEV Schools Project in Scotland, yet with some big behind-the-scenes planning coming up for next month.

Regardless, Scottish Volleyball Regional Development Officer Blair Pettigrew has been busy at work in the west of Scotland, helping organise school festivals and dropping off some of the CEV equipment at the start of the academic year. Similarly in the east, Regional Development Officer Veronica Rusich has been working to create relationships with local schools in the area and providing continual professional development courses for teachers in partner schools. In the office, the team have been busy setting up plans for the upcoming festivals.
Some of the teachers who attended this year's CEV Coaches Convention in North Macedonia were kind enough to give some feedback from the pupils directly benefiting from the new knowledge gained by their teachers and further feedback was received following a session delivered to 20 Renfrewshire teachers by Colin Giles.
“The session was great. From my experience Volleyball has never featured in any substantial way in the PE primary curriculum, that is unless you have some resources and a bit of knowledge. So, to gain both last night was invaluable. The session was excellent, so thank you. You can tell it is a real passion and that came across. I know it was a spread of a target audience and so that can be tricky. There was a huge amount to take back and I would aim to cascade this to staff to make Volleyball more of a focus in our PE curriculum,” said L. B. from Lochfield Primary.
R.T.“I thought that this session was great as you made it suitable for both primary and secondary school students and often the primary content can be used with younger groups in secondary. It was great to get different ideas of how to break each skill down to make it easier to understand for pupils. I will be using some of this content in my current Volleyball block. I also found it really enjoyable so I am sure the pupils will enjoy it just as much.”
PE Teacher St Andrews Academy

“The session was excellent and a much-needed refresher! I found it particularly useful to hear that focus should be placed on 1v1 / 2v2 games and to allow a ‘scoop’ vs a catch to keep games going. There were lots of new practices and techniques (the eyes on wrists to help dig) that I will be using during my next block of Volleyball. Thanks again for inviting us to participate, it was really beneficial.” A. D., PE Teacher Renfrew High School
“It was, dare I say, fun as well as really informative. It was great that it was so practical, with lots of ideas for activities to teach the skills and I am looking forward to giving my P7 class some volleyball experiences, based on mine. I know my children will enjoy taking part in something new.” R. H., P7 teacher Lochfield Primary