
School Volleyball competition to begin soon in Azerbaijan


Article Thu, Oct 6 2022

The Azerbaijan Volleyball Federation has recently run a number of actions in conjunction with the CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball – Grow with it’. These include training sessions delivered to a number of PE teachers across the country, as well activities involving kids, even as young as under the age of eight, from partner schools.

Young students are preparing for an upcoming nationwide school competition in Azerbaijan

These actions have laid the cornerstone for a nationwide school competition named Zaphar (which means ‘Victory’ in Azerbaijani language), which is due to start on October 18 in six regions across Azerbaijan. The semis and finals of this competition will then follow later this year at the premises of school no. 10 in the city of Shaki with medals and special souvenirs at stake. Next to this, the Azerbaijan Volleyball Federation has made plans to run a city championship involving local sports schools as well.
