School Project further expanded in Slovakia
The Slovak Volleyball Federation (SVF) is making good use of the CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball – Grow with it’ to promote the sport across the country.
In early October, a meeting took place at the premises of the Slovak Volleyball Federation involving SVF President Marek Rojko and Project Manager Jozef Mihalco and all other relevant parties to define the timetable and the major goals of this programme for the current school year.
Further to this, and throughout October, the people in charge of the project at the Slovak Volleyball Federation visited several elementary schools. Mr Maroš Kumi has coordinated the work in the eastern section of the country where he introduced the project to a number of schools.
In October, the coordinator in charge of the Bratislava Region, Mr Stanislav Demetrovič, approached several new schools interested in joining the project. In this region, some schools have already started with its implementation and actual delivery.
Ms Martina Leskovjanská, who is in charge of the Western Region, liaised with other schools in order to facilitate their involvement in the project.
During the month of October, working meetings took place in all regions at different levels, whereby the Project Coordinators presented the programme to new schools as well as to regional / local sports officials and authorities.
After reviewing the number of schools that have signed up to the project, the Slovak Volleyball Federation defined in late October a timetable and a series of actions due to take place in the coming weeks and months. The elementary school from Vranov nad Topľou is one of the newcomers, where the Project Coordinator for the Eastern Region will present the School Project already in the first week of November.