
‘Play Volleyball - Grow with it 2.0’ workshop inspires 80 coaches and teachers in St. Pölten


Article Sat, Sep 14 2024

On Saturday, the motto at the Lower Austrian Sports Centre in St. Pölten was ‘Play Volleyball - Grow with it 2.0’. Jimmy Czimek and Tonja Blickhäuser from the German Sport University Cologne (DSHS) brought together as many as 80 teachers and coaches in St. Pölten to share the latest volleyball coaching methods specifically designed for youngsters aged from six to 14. The workshop included theoretical as well as practical sessions.

As many as 80 coaches and teachers attended the workshop organised in St. Pölten

Under the slogan ‘Play Volleyball - Grow with it 2.0’, a working group chaired by CEV Head of Development Vuk Karanovic has spent two years developing a concept that is intended to get more children and young people excited about Volleyball while making sure that their coaching and training is customised according to their age and skills. 

The new concept combines traditional methods (starting with hand setting or bump setting) with more recent ideas like Smashvolley, which introduces attacking at a very early stage of the children’s development. The new teaching and learning materials are summarised in a manual and are available online via the CEV Campus for coaches and PE teachers alike.

The workshop was delivered by two highly qualified representatives of the German Sport University Cologne

The Austrian Volleyball Federation (ÖVV), together with the national federations of Ireland, Iceland and Romania as well as the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment and the Macedonian Society for Penology have joined forces with the CEV to deliver this project. In St. Pölten, the new concept was presented in theory and practice to as many as 80 teachers and coaches. The Austrian Volleyball Federation is cooperating with the VBK Kelag Wörther-See-Löwen Klagenfurt, Union Raiffeisen Waldviertel and BeachUnion Salzburg, which train six to 14-year-olds using this innovative method and will document and evaluate the implementation phase.

“We are delighted about the great interest in the workshop organised at the Lower Austrian Sports Centre and look forward with confidence towards the implementation of the concept in schools and clubs.”

Martin Plessl
Head of Coaches Development at the Austrian Volleyball Federation

The Erasmus+ project ‘Play Volleyball - Grow with it 2.0’ will set a precedent and is intended to contribute to getting more young people involved in sport. This is especially important knowing that 80 percent of children and adolescents in Austria do not achieve the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation of one hour of exercise per day!

The workshop allowed the attendees to learn a new approach on how to coach youngsters at the entry level of the game
