Lëtz Volleyball Academy starts with a bang!
Luxembourg is the latest addition to the countries where the CEV School Project is helping inspire youngsters to play the game. The Luxembourg Volleyball Federation (FLVB) recently signed the relevant agreement with the CEV – thus joining an ever-growing number of National Federations that are using this programme to grow the next generation of Volleyball players.

To start the actual implementation of the project, the FLVB launched the Lëtz Volleyball Academy – doing so with the first camp held on Saturday, December 11, in full compliance with the COVID-19 mitigation measures adopted by the national authorities and under the guidance of their Technical Director Torsten Schooff.
Torsten Schooff“I am very happy that the kids have received the concept of the academy so well and that we are on track to implement the LTAD (Long Term Athletes Development) properly. It is nice when everyone works together hand in hand."
FLVB Technical Director

As many as 150 children registered for participation in the programme and they all looked highly motivated to work hard and slowly but surely learn more about the Volleyball game. The joy of the children and the enthusiasm of the coaches was obvious – and one could sense and feel it just by looking at their happy faces.
Norma Zambon“We recently managed to sign the contract with the CEV regarding the School Project and this will take us another step forward towards LTAD. Luxembourgish Volleyball is growing.”
FLVB President

The FLVB plans to expand the Lëtz Volley Academy even further in 2022.