Dozens of kids attend volleyball festival in Azerbaijan
The Azerbaijan Volleyball Federation delivered earlier this month a volleyball festival involving schools from the Sumgait, Saray, and Khizi districts – as the organisation continues to inspire the next generation of Volleyball players from the Caucasus country with the help of the CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball – Grow with it’.

Sumgait is the third largest city in Azerbaijan – and two teams from each region mentioned above did participate in the festival as well. Matches took place on Sundays – February 12 and 19 – with finals contested on Mondays. The ability to contest such matches is a huge boost of motivation for the kids – with 80 participants aged between 10 and 15 and each school taking groups of kids of different ages to the festival. All matches took place at the premises of the Sumgait school no. 1.

Next to the competition, CEV School Project Manager Nargiz Ismayilova had a meeting with the teachers of these schools, discussing their current challenges and needs. Moreover, balls were distributed to all schools and nets shall follow in due course too.
The Azerbaijan Volleyball Federation has already devised plans for the delivery of additional friendly matches and festivals in March – more specifically in Qusar and Masalli.