The Prize Winners of 1DayMore4Volleyball


Article Fri, Mar 6 2020

Luxembourg, March 6, 2020. While the idea of 1DayMore4Volleyball was to spread the joy of volleyball across Europe and get as many people playing the game as possible, we also had some prizes awarded for the best events. Users could either post their event on social media using the hashtag #1DayMore4Volleyball & #VolleySkillChallenge, or upload their event to 1DayMore4Volleyball.cev.eu. We received more than 100 amazing submissions, so picking just five winners was difficult, but we think these players, coaches, and organisations exemplified the spirit of #1DayMore4Volleyball. 

Most Creative

While everyone that posted videos on February 29 showed great enthusiasm for Volleyball, it takes a special kind of love for the sport to include it in your wedding. We commend this couple for including 1DayMore4Volleyball in their matrimonial ceremony (and for not dropping too many balls!). We encourage the happy couple to take their honeymoon in Berlin, Champions League SuperFinals tickets on us. 

Best School’s Initiative 

While many educators and coaches put together fun and interesting activities for thousands of students across the continent, one project in particular seemed to capture the energy and imagination of a whole community. This was the Vasil Glavinov school from the city of Veles, North Macedonia, who hosted a fun day of volleyball exercise & activities for a group of young students. They are also involved with the CEV school initiative. 

Longest Point

To be honest, we were expecting to have to watch many rallies lasting hours, but thankfully there was nothing like that. Instead, we got one of the coolest and most coordinated rallies we’ve seen from GLKS Nadarzyn in Poland. Congratulations, We can’t imagine how many attempts that took!

Most Participants

From the Zagreb U11 city championships, we have this spectacular photo from above of over 150 young athletes forming the letters C, E, & V. The number of players at this event having fun makes this an easy choice for most participants. 

#1DayMore4Volleyball Social Photo

Scrolling through the feed for #1DayMore4Volleyball, one photo in particular among the almost 1,000 posts stood out as both poignant and encapsulating the spirit of the event. This was the photo posted by the club Szegedi RSE (@szegirse) showing mother & daughter playing volleyball in the same pose, at the same club, 28 years apart!


#VolleySkillChallenge Grand Prize

With over 150 people participating in the #VolleySkillChallenge, we managed to see some creative & highly skilled interpretations of the challenge. You guys are talented players! But in the end, one person demonstrated the most passion, imagination, and volleyball skill for the challenge, and that was Dmitry Dragunov (@dmitry_dragunov11). Well-deserved Dmitry!

Thank you everyone for your participation in the festivities of #1DayMore4Volleyball, and we look forward to the next edition in 2024.