General Assembly ends with standing ovation to CEV President
The XLIV CEV General Assembly held in Brussels the day before a highly successful CEV EuroVolley 2023 Women reaches its climax in the Belgian capital ended with a standing ovation deserved to CEV President Aleksandar Boričić, who closed the session with an emotional address highlighting the impressive transformation that the CEV has experienced under his leadership since 2015.

Aleksandar Boričić“I would like to thank you for your trust and for the opportunity that I have been given to lead the European Volleyball family for two consecutive terms. I am proud to say that our sport is in a much better place now than it was some years ago – and for this I wish to thank all of my colleagues from the CEV Board of Administration, the professional staff working at our headquarters in Luxembourg and obviously all of you."
CEV President
“However, despite our achievements, we shall never rest or relax – but continue to work hard and strive for further improvement and excellence, just like any newly-crowned world or European champions do," he continued.
Saturday’s annual General Meeting in Brussels represented an opportunity to review the latest achievements of European Volleyball as well as to lay the groundwork for the years that lie ahead. The CEV General Assembly approved the strategic plan developed for the next five years which identifies key values to uphold and clear objectives to pursue as well as a continuous investment in the sport, including in a centralised data platform facilitating data-driven decisions as well as an expanded focus on fan engagement.
The CEV President was especially happy to host the FIVB President, Dr Ary S. Graça F°, who deserved words of appraisal for the work done by the CEV to grow the sport at all levels, while sharing the same vision of the FIVB’ leadership and the same focus on innovation, sustainability and continuous progress.

The delegates attending the CEV General Assembly did also receive an update on the sound state of the CEV’s finances – thereby approvind the revised budget for 2023 as well as the provisional budget for 2024, on top of endorsing the final accounts for the year 2022 as well as a number of changes to the CEV Statutes meant to align the CEV’s regulatory framework with the provisions in force at the FIVB and at other Continental Confederations.
As it has become some sort of a tradition, National Federations that have experienced a major development were invited to share their best practices and success stories – with representatives of Austria and Luxembourg proudly showcasing what they have achieved in Beach Volleyball as well as in the overall growth and promotion of the sport, respectively, even in the challenging times that we are all living in.

The European Volleyball family will come together again next year in Naples, Italy, on August 24, with elections planned for the Presidency, the Board of Administration as well as to define those due to represent Europe in the FIVB Board of Administration for the next four-year term.
Click here for a comprehensive picture gallery of the XLIV General Assembly.
This is European Volleyball 2023